1- Activists are working hard to ensure that environmental issues are high on the agenda at the international summit in June.

2- Battery life was still really high on the agenda .

3- Structural discrimination was high on the agenda .

4- A Black political fundraising mechanism was high on the agenda .

5- Quality is also high on the agenda .

6- Promoting group values to maintain solidarity is high on the agenda .

7- The focus on innovation correctly belongs high on the agenda .

8- Tax justice and campaigns against debt are high on the agenda .

9- Romance is high on the agenda , though.

10- Mitigating this change has been high on the agenda since 2007 .

11- Slashing spending isn't high on the agenda .

12- Dunford said: "It is high on the agenda .

13- The crucial matter of outstanding fugitives nevertheless remained high on the agenda .

14- The situation in South Africa was also high on the agenda .

15- Its not high on the agenda .

16- Security in East Asia will also be high on the agenda .

17- Concerns about unemployment, especially in Europe, were high on the agenda .

18- Frankfurt is a young city where socialising and parties are always high on the agenda .

19- The improved data quality generated significant cost savings and put liquidity management high on the agenda .

20- Brics puts development high on the agenda , with the goal of common development.

21- The European debt crisis was high on the agenda , at least for non-Europeans.

22- And, just think, education was high on the agenda of both major candidates.

23- These recommendations were high on the agenda of the newly elected government of Harold Wilson.

24- But Syria was high on the agenda during those talks at the White House yesterday .

25- Hi Henry I understand that cleanliness was not high on the agenda in Tudor times.

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