1- This property is solely marketed for sale through the agency of VIP International Homes .

2- Finally, an active regional policy was introduced through the agency of the Board of Trade.

3- The Marriage Act did not prohibit the contracting of a valid espousal through the agency of another.

4- On one line in England magnetic electricity is employed; it is generated through the agency of magnets.

5- This, he thought, might easily be done through the agency of the Local Government Board.

6- They did this through the agency of two witnesses, the element of all legal transactions in Judaism.

7- The stewardship did not originate recently or through the agency of any one person, not even me.

8- Any extra equipment or special materials he required could be obtained through the agency of the headquarters' staff.

9- In modern times Unitarianism revived at the period the Reformation through the agency of Laelius Socinus of Italy.

10- What is said to be done by Christ now is done by Him through the agency of His Spirit.

11- And in the days of the apostles He wrought mightily for His church through the agency of the Holy Spirit.

12- The foundational basis of the infallibility of the word is that god himself spoke through the agency of his chosen vessels.

13- Dubos started from the assumption that all organic matter added to the soil eventually undergoes decomposition through the agency of micro-organisms.

14- God will liberate his people from oppression, through the agency of a child, who is a prince of peace.

15- Investors (students) could sell their stock at any time through the agency of their stockbroker (the teacher).

16- This situation changed quickly, however, and soon most resources were provided from London, through the agency of Jean Moulin.

17- Do you believe that, for example, in situations that arose in the wake of the cyclone in Myanmar, that relief should be solely directed through the agency of ASEAN?

18- Some communicable diseases are transmitted only through the agency of vermin or insects.

19- Thrift has nearly killed her on several occasions, through the agency of old sausages, slow-punctured tyres, rusty blades.

20- Dubos started from the assumption that all organic matter added to the soil eventually undergoes decomposition through the agency of micro-organisms.

21- Finally, an active regional policy was introduced through the agency of the Board of Trade.

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