1- The deal, he said, was managed through Carter and literary agent Andrew Nurnberg.

2- Amanda has been a literary agent for fifteen years.

3- First off, what are literary agents ?

4- He's directing letters to literary agents and publishers.

5- Henry was also his sister's literary agent .

6- All our literary agents are from elite families.

7- Her clients have included leading literary agents , publishers and authors.

8- literary agents - give us a call.

9- Before I started doing comedy I was an assistant literary agent .

10- Brock is represented by literary agent Cherry Weiner.

11- So whether you self-publish or get a literary agent and go the traditional route, be prepared to work your fingers off to market and promote it.

12- This is also the new role in China of a literary agent and literature scout.

13- During interludes in the music, Jamie, several years earlier, talks to a literary agent about the book he has just written.

14- If you ever need a literary agent , I volunteer.

15- Do not use literary agents that demand fees up front .

16- You find a literary agent in New York.

17- Yet my literary agent described Wilhelmina as "subversive.

18- When I acquired my first literary agent , I was ecstatic.

19- literary agents only get paid when you get paid .

20- Which MP is married to Jeffrey Archer's literary agent ?

21- It also has editors, publishers and literary agents among its membership.

22- Some literary agents have begun selling their clients' lectures and appearances.

23- Your literary agent is also entitled to their fees on those earnings.

24- Macedonia Which highly regarded British literary agent died on 20 October 2008?

25- Bonnie Nadell was Wallace's literary agent through his entire career.

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