1- They thought of army commissions and land agents .

2- Also known as a land agent or land person.

3- Consequently government land agents were involved in a number of dubious land purchases.

4- In the 1890s, he was a State land agent .

5- Consequently, government land agents were involved in a number of dubious land purchases.

6- The victims of agrarian violence were frequently Irish land agents, middlemen, and tenants.

7- Newman engaged a local land agent to purchase tracts of land along both banks of a stretch of Dell Creek.

8- Maxwell was a land agent and engineer, while Hudson was a surveyor.

9- By 1885 Charles Winchester was practicing as an attorney at law and land agent .

10- His office is painted with the words: " land agent and Attorney-at-Law.

11- He delegated management of the mines to his energetic land agent , Isaac Wright.

12- The victims of agrarian violence were frequently Irish land agents , middlemen, and tenants.

13- The health authority and the Defence land agent hope to conclude negotiations within a month.

14- George Frank Edwards, Chief land agent , Agricultural Land Commission.

15- Objections from local inhabitants or authorities were at a minimum and land agents could promote exclusivity.

16- Lily : A famous land agent said that the young people shouldn't afford an apartment.

17- Sir William Pulteney selected Charles Williamson as land agent to develop the purchased 1200000 acre.

18- He charms a railroad land agent and begins planting the seeds of a future real estate empire.

19- Geoffrey Arthur Maurice Sargent, land agent and Valuer, War Office.

20- He also had some involvement in attempts to land agents and arms on the Baltic cost.

21- Frederick Francis Ramuz, Mayor of Southend and land agent , bought the property cheaply.

22- From 1890, in addition to his farming, Malone also worked as a land agent .

23- In 1765 he married Ann Sherwin, daughter of the land agent at Kedleston Hall.

24- In 1925 he married Lettice, daughter of Cecil Cantley Baker, a land agent .

25- John Griffith Owen, Committee land agent , Anglesey Agricultural Executive Committee.

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