1- A small group of special interests still set the agenda for what happens in this city.

2- The Obama team set the agenda and ran circles around him throughout the whole campaign.

3- Clarke's lectures set the agenda for further debates.

4- So don't let them set the agenda .

5- They set the agenda for our movement in many cases.

6- He has successfully set the agenda for the nation on development.

7- These professors in effect set the agenda for the discipline.

8- For the most part, Hollywood has set the agenda .

9- This preemptively set the agenda for the committees' report.

10- The first national conference of the Cooperative Party set the agenda .

11- On Wednesday, the Conference of President meets to set the agenda for the plenary session.

12- Thus, in no time Maharashtra Times became a public and intellectual forum which set the agenda.

13- That set the agenda for many subsequent Van Gogh studies, which are predominantly biographical to this day.

14- Plus, the movements aren't yet strong enough to set the agenda .

15- First, advocates have set the agenda and established the terms of debate.

16- Gompers also set the agenda for the draft charter protecting workers' rights.

17- set the agenda It's your job as host to organize the meeting.

18- The Manchester conference helped set the agenda for decolonisation in the post-war period.

19- As a result, the Bank's view set the agenda for subsequent reforms.

20- The chair and ISBA staff work together to set the agenda for each meeting.

21- Papez set the agenda for how emotion would be studied for half a century.

22- It allows them to set the agenda and to fight on their own chosen terms.

23- We can set the agenda and that's what's happening on this issue.

24- The first is obvious, that leaders set the agenda for the rest of us.

25- This, though it aroused enthusiasm, could not set the agenda of the Council.

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