1- The little boy dreamed of becoming a secret agent like James Bond.

2- Sean Connery portrayed secret agent James Bond in the first few films in the series.

3- secret agent James Bond had a special license which allowed him to kill in the service of his government.

4- In my opinion, Sean Connery has been the best person to play the role of secret agent James Bond in the Bond movies.

5- secret agent James Bond's favorite drink was a medium Vodka dry Martini - with a slice of lemon peel.

6- Shaken and not stirred.

7- No photographs of the alleged marine secret agent have been released.

8- The drama follows a veteran secret agent who manages a group of spies.

9- secret agent: The soundtrack for your stylish, mysterious, dangerous life.

10- More from Europe MI6 recruits spies on Mumsnet: Do mothers make the best secret agents?

11- He's seen here as secret agent James Bond, taking a bath in Diamonds Are Forever."""

12- This effect is the " secret agent " in many decisions.

13- The operation failed and the secret agents were captured.

14- The titles special agent and secret agent are not synonymous.

15- secret agents were a big part of popular culture in 1964.

16- Totally bought into the whole secret agent , super hero thing.

17- Some seriously layered secret agent in-jokes here.

18- I was wondering the other day about secret agents .

19- Foley looked like anything in the world except a secret agent .

20- I know that secret agents and societies still hunt me.

21- secret agents of the deep Dolphins, eh?

22- The story begins with the assassination of a secret agent .

23- What would a secret agent be without a fast ride?

24- They often give secret agent Zero advice.

25- The Boneshadow are spies and secret agents .

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