51- Meanwhile , Roen is having to train to be the ultimate secret agent .

52- Adele Norcross (née Fischer) is a teacher of Donna's from "secret agent."

53- His father is a secret agent who has used Kurt to try and capture Robotboy.

54- Von Oppenheim had mapped Turkey and Persia while working as German secret agent.

55- Characters *Addo-Addo is an Ex-Ghanaian secret agent, not much is known about him.

56- The secret agent was ranked the 46th best novel of the 20th century by Modern Library.

57- Get Smart is an American television comedy series that satirises the secret agent genre.

58- His time as a secret agent and a member of the Weapon X program left John somewhat paranoid.

59- In reality, "Haley" is a computer chip designed by the United Sates government as a secret agent.

60- Suspicion over the disappearance soon turns on the mysterious secret agent and he also disappears.

61- Its deliberate indiscretions exceed any to be found in the recent memoirs of European secret agents."

62- Weetzie remarks that it looks like "Shangri-L.A.", providing My secret agent Lover with his next film.

63- Liu and Banderas play opposing secret agents who are supposedly enemies, but team up during the movie.

64- Jamie Lee Curtis played Schwarzenegger's onscreen wife, with Tom Arnold cast as the secret agent's sidekick.

65- Years later, under the secret agent title, the same network aired the entirety of the second and third series.

66- In return for details about his activities as a secret agent, Gabriel learns about Beni's connection to Malone.

67- 729638 The strip was something of a combination of a secret agent and private eye adventure, and went back and forth between the two.

68- He is indignant at suggestions that they were secret agents.

69- I never see that bitch in my secret agent classes!

70- It's another secret agent type of movie And the guy's very handsome and suave and devenear.

71- So, uh...Sarah, could you show me that super-cool secret agent choke hold again?

72- The government kicked a foreign secret agent out of the country.

73- The secret agent in his place, he wrote, the infiltrator safely ensconced.

74- He had been a secret agent of the enemy all along.

75- The secret agent in his place, he wrote,() the infiltrator safely ensconced.

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