26- Females are more often found separate from the aggregation than males.

27- Our relationship had formed itself by an aggregation of layers.

28- An aggregation of classical topics, articles and news.

29- The search index is the aggregation of all index partitions.

30- Traditional email providers don't help much with data aggregation .

31- A person is not an aggregation of organs.

32- Association, aggregation , dependency all are developed relationship between objects.

33- Many nests are clustered together in large aggregations .

34- Mashups and portals are both content aggregation technologies.

35- This feature is often used for maintained aggregations .

36- Ratings collected from film review aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes.

37- The biggest area of ignorance ( currently) is aggregation criteria .

38- aggregation groups rows together based on common values.

39- Particle aggregation is normally an irreversible process.

40- Larger aggregations spawn earlier than smaller ones.

41- Other adverse effects of testosterone include hepatic failure and increased platelet aggregation .

42- All samples were directly measured using the aggregation of washed rabbit platelets.

43- Adult cod form spawning aggregations from late winter to spring.

44- An illustration of the different microphysical ice crystal aggregation processes.

45- Such clusters represent aggregations of young , recently born stars.

46- Responsibility for and configuration of aggregation ........ 14 5.

47- The key is Apple's aggregation, which Humana hopes will make more people accountable for their health through its Vitality program.

48- The dispersive forces will cause aggregation and precipitation.

49- A structural approach to the familial coaggregation of disorders.

50- Also there is not as much inhibition of aggregation of platelets.

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