51- For the older age groups, the aggregation goes the starting age on up.

52- Lastly, the EDS is capable of providing objective analysis tools and aggregation.

53- aggregation : Merging of similar sentences to improve readability and naturalness.

54- When the supply of bacteria is depleted, the myxamoebae enter the aggregation stage.

55- This species is fairly uncommon, but, when found, it is always in large aggregations.

56- Important notions are concept, generalization, association, multiplicity and aggregation.

57- Contractualism, with its fierce rejection of aggregation, still takes little Johnny's side.

58- Then there are an arbitrary number of aggregation functions applied to individual attributes.

59- Tilling the soil destroys soil aggregation and it can take years for soil aggregates to rebuild.

60- First, aggregation can increase the efficiency of the legal process, and lower the costs of litigation.

61- In each level of aggregation, the component elements have mutually beneficial, or complementary, relationships.

62- 721594 Poor quality soil can be due to inadequate surface soil aggregation, low porosity and slow infiltration.

63- The cold water facilitates a rapid crystallization of the lipids and therefore prevents aggregation of the lipids.

64- Any ERROL subexpression can be aggregated by inserting aggregation function name and parentheses in the right place.

65- A country is simply an aggregation of homes, and no country can rise superior to the sanctity and purity of its homes.

66- Furthermore, the aggregation of utility across the population is impossible since there is no universal utility scale.

67- Similarly, it can be seen as an aggregation of different social/cultural forms, making cities a center for heterogeneity.

68- Disease transmission Cynomya cadaverina has been found to demonstrate communicative behavior via clustering and aggregation.

69- Rather, the longer addresses allow a better, systematic, hierarchical allocation of addresses and efficient route aggregation.

70- This simplification is achieved through the aggregation of attainment target assessments into profile components, and into results on each subject.

71- But hardships are part of war, and war is an aggregation of hardships.

72- Earth not only grew by aggregation from a cloud of particles, but by collisions with other cosmic matter.

73- This simplification is achieved through the aggregation of attainment target assessments into profile components, and into results on each subject.

74- During developmental aggregation and predatory lifestyle , gliding motility is very important for myxobacteria.

75- Interest aggregation is the transformation of all these political needs and wants into a smaller number of coherent alternatives. 6.

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