51- There have been concerns that Abe wants to tone down past apologies for Japan's wartime aggression.

52- 211126 Estonians worry Russia could one day turn its aggression on them, and they want to be ready.

53- 685038 The Baltic states and other eastern European nations are wary of renewed Russian aggression.

54- 658977 Teachers rated students on measures such as classroom engagement, aggression and impulsivity.

55- But Beckham does not intend to change when it comes to discerning between aggression and retaliation.

56- Mr Abbas has said Israeli occupation of Palestinian areas and "aggression" is to blame for the unrest.

57- It was one of aggression and aggrandisement .

58- Any type of sibling aggression predicted worse mental health.

59- We must stand against his tyrannical aggression !

60- Try showing little aggression yourself once in awhile.

61- Another manifestation of aggression is fear aggression.

62- Another manifestation of aggression is fear aggression .

63- These feelings often result in aggression against less powerful groups.

64- Each state has its own laws concerning sexual aggression .

65- We should distinguish between anger and aggression .

66- Numerous studies link increased population density with increased aggression .

67- Such aggression is more common in crowded beaches.

68- They display aggression towards sharks and smaller dolphin species.

69- The aggression usually exists between the males.

70- It may acutely reduce aggression and increase aggression during withdrawal.

71- It may acutely reduce aggression and increase aggression during withdrawal.

72- There are noticeable sex differences in aggression .

73- Two broad categories of aggression are commonly distinguished.

74- Lower income groups use more physical aggression .

75- Violence and aggression are under strong social prohibition.

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