1- MacDonald found no cuts or leaks in the air brake system.

2- The issues ranged from air brakes freezing up to transmission problems.

3- air brakes were fitted, acting on all wheels, and electric braking was available for emergency use.

4- George Westinghouse first developed air brakes for use in railway service.

5- It is much harder to block the hose pipe compared to air brakes.

6- Modernisation culminated in the adoption of air brakes for locomotive-hauled express trains.

7- Power operated handbrakes are fitted to heavy commercial vehicles with air brakes, such as trucks and buses.

8- The top surface moves up while the lower surface moves down, to create an air brake effect.

9- The train came to a halt due to an air brake, but the crew didn't know that a derailment had taken place.

10- Under the wing a retractable diving air brake was to be installed.

11- The wings are mounted on the fuselage with a single cam-pin and the ailerons and air brakes hook-up automatically.

12- I gave the command: -Hit your air brakes!

13- A FRED could be attached to the rear of the train to detect the train's air brake pressure and report any problems back to the locomotive.

14- By 1905 over 2,000,000 freight, passenger, mail, baggage, and express cars and 89,000 locomotives were equipped with the Westinghouse air brakes.

15- Railroads have strict government-approved procedures for testing the air brake systems when making up trains in a yard or picking up cars en route.

16- The Yak-30D was also fitted with air brakes on the aft fuselage.

17- This Ruston is slightly different from the other two, with square buffers and air brakes.

18- air brakes were fitted, acting on all wheels, and electric braking was available for emergency use.

19- Brakes Westinghouse air brakes and vacuum brakes (or no continuous brakes at all) are usually fitted.

20- They use large jet-shaped firecrackers as jets and giant afros inside their hats as air brakes and parachutes.

21- When I sat on that axle, there's two brakes and its air brakes released.

22- air brake system is an important component part of the train, the train speed and heavy transport development trends, its increasingly important role.

23- A new combined model of longitudinal dynamic and air brake system for heavy haul train is established.

24- ake system of tracked vehicle by the test.(30) The auxiliary inverter system of electric locomotive is used to cool down the main circuit and offer wind regime for the air brake system.

25- A preliminary simulation of the air brake system of heavy haul train, the propagation characteristic of air wave in brake system of train and the effect of parameters on brake characteristic.

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