1- In the United States an air kiss is becoming more common.

2- All the deals announced so far strike me as "trinkets in exchange for air kisses ".

3- Going from party to party and giving air kisses is obviously enough to put a girl in traction.

4- Both experts insist that the French " air kiss ", which avoids contact all together, is best.

5- She slid into the chair to my left without bothering with a perfunctory air kiss or even a hello.

6- Free picture about the most beautiful woman in the world, who is happy to give out air kisses .

7- This losing model is also given host Klum's air kiss and "Auf Wiedersehen" before leaving the runway.

8- If the person you're greeting formally goes in for a hug or an air kiss , accept it graciously.

9- Dawson revealed in her 2012 autobiography " Air Kiss & Tell" that she was frequently visited by the "depression bogeyman.

10- Use the air kiss or fake peck on the cheek instead of a kiss on the lips when greeting family and friends.

11- Paying my respects to the drag legend, I went in to give her an air kiss and she used her left arm as a barrier, not allowing me to get to close.

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