1- Click consonants use the velaric airstream mechanism.

2- Everything is made from scratch in "Duchess," the 1965 airstream trailer.

3- Harlow's Cuisine will feature signature cocktails at the clubhouse and Orange County airstream will be onsite.

4- In 2004, airstream introduced the Westfalia and Interstate.

5- Meggin Hurlburt, 34, a paralegal from San Diego, says the airstream purchase was an investment in her family.

6- The B-52s singer Kate Pierson-the redhead-has a handful of rentable airstreams outside Joshua Tree National Park.

7- Currently, airstream produces several models Sport, Flying Cloud, International and Classic Limited.

8- The cheapest and easiest is a single thermocouple placed somewhere in the airstream.

9- The lung pistons are used to initiate a pulmonic airstream (found in all human languages).

10- Tootsie occasionally would leave his 31-foot airstream, he said, but she doesn't make any noise.

11- On January 17, 1936, the airstream Trailer Co. introduced the "Clipper," and a well-known American brand was born.

12- Chrysler Airflow production dipped below 8,000 units for 1935, with roughly four airstreams produced for every Airflow.

13- 337080 In 1955 Wally travelled to Europe with his wife Stella in a one of kind airstream Bubble to scout the 1956 caravan. 27.534

14- He has also played on recordings by Heidi Berry when she recorded for Creation Records and he played on several airstream singles.

15- In some, such as the Polynesian languages, the vocal cords are required to actively open to allow an unimpeded (silent) airstream.

16- The semi-permanent Sol LeWitt exhibit is also a must-see, as is the 1970s "airstream satellite" that "crash landed" at MASS MoCA a few years back.

17- Meanwhile, Texas Ranger Red Garnett ( Clint Eastwood ), riding in the Governor's sleek airstream trailer, is in hot pursuit of the duo.

18- The supercharger air-intake was, from the F-1 -series onwards, a rounded, "elbow"-shaped design that protruded further out into the airstream.

19- Unlike Chrysler, which still had more traditional models to fall back on, DeSoto was hobbled by the Airflow design until the 1935 airstream arrived.

20- An active southerly airstream is bringing rainy weather to the south China coastal areas.

21- An example of another type of anemometer in which the airstream displaces an indicator giving an instantaneous reading of velocity or flowrate is the rotameter .

22- Migrating birds make use of airstreams to assist them on their long journey south.

23- MAYSAK will move south within a northerly airstream in the next 12 hours.

24- Migrating birds make use of airstreams to assist them on their long journey south.


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