1- Where is the Japan airlines counter?

2- Where is the boarding gate for Japan airlines ?

3- There are over 150 planes in the airline's fleet.

4- Our airline has more than 100 domestic flights a day.

5- airline seat sales rarely coincide with peak travel times.

6- Many airline companies offer reduced rates for student travelers.

7- The hijacking of an airliner ended without incident this morning.

8- The weather has caused serious disruptions to the airline schedule.

9- The pilot of an airliner is responsible for the safety of passengers.

10- To fly big passenger airliners calls for long training and experience.

11- Two of the country's largest airlines are expected to merge next year.

12- She is hoping to become a commercial pilot for an international airline.

13- My sister got a job with an airline company and became a flight attendant.

14- airline officials fear that the plane may have crashed due to pilot error.

15- After a delay of over four hours, the airline passengers were quite irritable.

16- The airliner needs to keep the union informed of any future lay-offs of staff.

17- Families of the airline passengers waited anxiously for news of the plane crash.

18- An unknown man has been arrested after a failed bid to hijack an Italian airliner.

19- The airline hostess really helped us a lot with our children when we flew to Boston.

20- This airline seat-sale requires you to book your ticket at least a month in advance.

21- Pacific Western airlines has more than 50 scheduled departures from Seattle every day.

22- The crew on commercial airline flights are trained to function in all sorts of emergencies.

23- The airliner had to make an unscheduled stop in Gander when a drunk passenger became unruly.

24- The airline is expected to undertake a merger with its largest competitor within five years.

25- Some radar systems are able to differentiate between a fighter jet and a commercial airliner.

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