1- And Tuesday two of those groups, who are supporting Brown, took to the airwaves with new ads.

2- A new and important force on Portland's airwaves was born.

3- A new FM 89.1 Rock FM is dominating the airwaves.

4- And the bitterness isn't just confined to the airwaves, TV studios and newspapers.

5- Anjem Choudary banned from the airwaves would be popular.

6- But Roberts' campaign is blanketing the airwaves with ads questioning Wolf's judgment.

7- Details on which companies won airwaves were not immediately available.

8- Media in Australia and around the world blanketed the airwaves with minute-by-minute updates.

9- Rogers said it was happy it was able to secure particularly wide blocks of airwaves in all major markets.

10- Something that "Eaten Alive" has done far before it even slithers onto the airwaves.

11- The battle of the airwaves is not limited to the spoken word or to countries in the Ebola zone.

12- The gop/tea bags have well-funded ads/lies that they will saturate the airwaves with.

13- There is a meanness of spirit and a level of absurdity that permeates the airwaves.

14- Walker also took to the airwaves, both on national television and conservative talk radio in Milwaukee.

15- Did TV Land make the right move in yanking the campy series from its airwaves?

16- The first song ever played on its airwaves was Please Play This Song on the Radio"" by NOFX."

17- Beginning with "Woman fi Sex", Buju's gruff voice dominated the Jamaican airwaves for the duration of the year.

18- Breath Of Life is one of the most recent Seventh-day Adventist Christian broadcast ministries to hit the airwaves.

19- Coverage of Edwards' pending withdrawal hits the airwaves just as the Minnesota caucuses open (7 p.m.

20- However, Berlin wooed her over the airwaves with his songs, "Remember" and "Always."

21- However, Peña Gómez used his oratorical skills to the streets and the airwaves to head the opposition to that intervention.

22- In 1979 Psycho Chicken, X-rated parody of 'The Talking Heads' "Psycho Killer", exploded over the airwaves of Boston.

23- In 1980, Consumer Buyline returned to the airwaves as Fight Back!

24- It also wouldn't run afoul of FCC limits on acquiring certain airwaves, the company said.

25- Its last day on the air was February 27, 2004, only weeks before Air America took to the airwaves.

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