1- Gunston 1984 p. 216. A number of Z.506S air-sea rescue aircraft remained in service until 1959. Mondey 1996 pp. 21-32.

2- On February 4, 1945, she sailed to relieve USS Fanning (DD-385) on air-sea rescue lifeguard station.

3- Seaplane The PBY Catalina was one of the most widely used flying boats used for air-sea rescue.

4- Ebeling managed to nurse the damaged aircraft as far as the Channel where he bailed out and was rescued by German air-sea rescue seaplane.

5- She escorted PC-1587 to Iwo Jima and later operated off that island on air-sea rescue assignments for the remainder of August.

6- For air-sea rescue work, the Harbor Unit keeps two divers assigned to the Aviation Unit 24 hours a day, seven days per week, all year round.

7- London 2003, p. 181. The RAF used Walruses mainly in the air-sea rescue role.

8- ;SC-54G :C-54Gs converted for air-sea rescue, redesignated HC-54G in 1962.

9- A Heinkel He 59 air-sea rescue aircraft was dispatched, but found no trace of the Heinkel or its five crew.

10- A major air-sea rescue is under way.

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