1- 1 He first wrote down the lyrics on an airsickness bag while staying in a village.

2- 2 Depending on the cause, it can also be referred to as seasickness, car sickness, simulation sickness or airsickness .

3- 3 Morhouse told MacArthur that Arthur, who had suffered badly from seasickness and airsickness , was on an intravenous feed, and could not guarantee that he would survive a 1000 mi trip across the desert.

4- 4 In November, a Handley Page W.10 of Imperial Airways diverted to Lympne in a gale with three passengers suffering from airsickness .

5- 5 He was struck by inspiration, took an airsickness bag from the seat pocket of the plane and wrote, in pencil, the lyrics to "Bear Down, Arizona." Lee was offered the band director job.

6- 6 As with airsickness , it can be difficult to visually detect motion even if one looks outside of the boat as water does not offer fixed points with which to visually judge motion.

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