1- But it's not the only one trying airless-tire technology.

2- In this airless bag of remorse and anxiety.

3- Also allows Superman to hold his breath for extended periods in airless environments.

4- 222030 airless spray guns are becoming popular because they provide more controlled spray patterns and reduced emission of volatiles.

5- The PT-76E is fitted with a more powerful UTD-20 6-cylinder 4-stroke V-shaped airless-injection water cooled multifuel 15.8 litre diesel engine.

6- The user should wear rubber gloves and, in tight airless spaces, goggles.

7- They were damp, airless, overcrowded and poorly-lit.

8- It was a hot still airless day.

9- , and worked into a basic hook inventory that consisted of dry fly hooks, nymph hooks, scud hooks, streamer hooks, and a few specialty hooks.(160) Q37 series hook type airless shot blast cleaning machine is mainly used for surface cleaning and strengthening of steel structural parts, casting, aluminum alloy parts and other spare parts.

10- The air around him felt dank and airless.

11- He preferred the airless quiet of the tunnel to the numbing of his skull.

12- The air settled for sundown, the house again putrid and airless.

13- The room was airless and putrid and stifling hot, the window lavender with either twilight or dawn.

14- Open the window, please, It's quite airless here.

15- The room is airless, the windows too high for him to open or to see out.

16- Spraying: Use an airless spray gun with a variable jet nozzle.

17- The room was hot and airless and I had to peel off my layers of reject golfing sweaters, one by one.

18- A high pressure airless spray technique is introduced on principle.

19- The air settled for sundown, the house again putrid and airless.

20- Immured in a dark airless cell, the hostages waited six months for their release.

21- The rooms smelled musty and airless,(http:///airless.html) and wallpaper was peeling in great patches.

22- It's so airless in here - I can hardly breathe.

23- The small airless room is packed with young men, many of whom fought in the war.

24- British informal an airless smoky smelly atmosphere.

25- From outside, the sounds of a game of cricket floated into the hot airless room.

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