1- The alarm clock wakes me at seven.

2- The alarm clock is ten minutes fast.

3- Adjust the setting of the alarm clock.

4- My alarm clock didn't go off this morning.

5- The first item he bought was an alarm clock.

6- I have three alarm clocks so as not to oversleep.

7- Find someone who wakes up without using an alarm clock.

8- You've got to set the alarm clock before you go to bed.

9- He never travels without taking an alarm clock with him.

10- My alarm clock didn't work.

11- That's why I was late.

12- When my alarm clock goes off, I always stop it in my sleep.

13- Find someone who usually wakes up before the alarm clock goes off.

14- albeitAn Israeli proverb states that love is a sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.

15- The first alarm clock in the world was invented in 1787 and only rang at 4:00 in the morning.

16- The liquid crystal display on my alarm clock isn't working properly, so I can't read the time.

17- Someone once joked that an alarm clock is a device for awakening people who don't have small children.

18- Someone once suggested that you can often gauge a man's ambition by whether he hates his alarm clock or considers it his dear friend.

19- Pledges started at $66 for one alarm clock and two aroma packs for early birds.

20- You had to do the entire number every time. 3. Why does a phone or alarm clock "ring"?

21- For now, the Edge screen real estate equates to a glorified alarm clock and notification bar.

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