1- Millions raise the alarm and the immune system is fired into action.

2- Seven people swam to shore to raise the alarm, media said.

3- The family sounded desperate, and Elizabeth promised to raise the alarm.

4- The shop assistant managed to raise the alarm and the pair ran out of the store.

5- Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust raised the alarm after seeing whales in distress on Monday afternoon.

6- He waited until March 2012 to be rescued when a family friend raised the alarm.

7- Her mother raised the alarm when she checked on the children about 10 p.m. and discovered her daughter missing.

8- In the latest attack, Ison saw the shark and raised the alarm while surfing with friend Geoff Hill, Lindsay said.

9- Paul Noonan and Dave Geraghty were on board the vehicle at the time and raised the alarm after smelling smoke.

10- The other man, who had raised the alarm, walked from the scene with coastguard crews.

11- The ship raised the alarm shortly after 22:00 and the Shetland Coastguard tasked emergency tug 'Herakles' to attend the scene.

12- During her annual address to the legislature, Johnson Sirleaf raised the alarm about 'the rise in gender based violence, particularly child rape.'

13- After he failed to contact his home office as agreed from the hotel where he had booked to stay, the Sunday Times raised the alarm.

14- Residents at the shelter spotted the men in time and raised the alarm, prompting the intruders to flee.

15- And yesterday his heartbroken wife Jane slammed police for failing to find him after she raised the alarm 48 hours earlier.

16- Their ordeal ended when a bank security guard spotted something suspicious on a television monitor and raised the alarm.

17- Sam stayed with his injured friend while a passing motorist raised the alarm.

18- Neighbours raised the alarm when they saw flames light up the early-hours darkness in Ferry Road, Edinburgh.

19- Sam stayed with his injured friend while a passing motorist raised the alarm.

20- His family raised the alarm when he had not come home by 9pm.

21- His family raised the alarm when he had not come home by 9pm.

22- Sam stayed with his injured friend while a passing motorist raised the alarm.

23- Fred Goodyear was so shocked that it was more than eight hours before he raised the alarm.

24- They spent 40 minutes locked inside ... another paperboy arriving for work raised the alarm.

25- Those who raise the alarm are either parasitic or prophetic, depending on whether you are cheering Apple's ascent or anticipating its demise.

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