1- The list of endangered species in this country is growing at an alarming rate.

2- The rate of technological change in our society can be somewhat alarming at times.

3- There has been an alarming increase in the number of traffic deaths this past summer.

4- With cuts to social programs in this country, chronic poverty is increasing at an alarming rate.

5- It is an indisputable fact that global temperatures are alarmingly higher than normal this year.

6- Mankind's consumption of the Earth's natural resources is proceeding at a phenomenal and alarming rate.

7- Mankind's consumption of the Earth's natural resources is proceeding at a phenomenal and alarming rate.

8- contactThere have been an alarming number of bankruptcies in this state in the last year, due to our declining economy.

9- The collective greed of mankind has resulted in a planet where our resources are being used up at an alarming rate.

10- An alarming number of teenagers are continuing to smoke cigarettes despite the government's attempts to discourage the habit.

11- Scientists are wondering what has changed in the ecosystem of the area that has resulted in the death of an alarming number of frogs.

12- Cell phones have proliferated at an alarming rate, and many people are concerned that not enough attention has been paid to potential health risks.

13- Gevgelija has been the site of some alarming scenes in the past week.

14- DC Gov Employee REALDC's understanding of the settlement is alarming.

15- Details of the trade deal now seem less alarming to the dairy sector.

16- The terrorist attacks in France tonight are alarming and heartbreaking.

17- He said farmers now know that even a few dead birds should be alarming.

18- KCC has given us some broad brush strokes and plenty of alarming figures.

19- It's always alarming when someone suddenly closes off and refuses to talk.

20- That was alarming because Asia accounts for one-third of global oil demand.

21- CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden this week described the findings as "alarming."

22- A poster quest I take alarmingly frequent boulangerie and patisserie breaks.

23- alarming retail sales: The latest depressing consumer news emerged last week.

24- Behind the scenes, those same statements were not alarming Democratic fundraisers.

25- 626653 Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam do too - and often with alarming regularity.

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