1- 'So what they have, largely, are the types of alarmist coverage that gets to the top of the newscasts.

2- And then there are the constant (often alarmist, sometimes contradictory) public health alerts: Eggs are bad!

3- But Germany's finance minister has warned against alarmist predictions about a slide back into recession.

4- DW goes beyond the alarmist headlines and puts the outbreak into perspective in the blog below.

5- If you've been following my writings over the years, this somewhat alarmist argument may sound familiar.

6- Industry representatives say the study is alarmist and that zip lines are safer than driving a car.

7- Its tone was alarmist; trivialising; condescending, out of touch.

8- Of course, to global warming alarmists, all real-world data are irrelevant.

9- The Independent says shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper condemned Mr Hammond's language as "alarmist and unhelpful".

10- At the risk of sounding alarmist, Tuscaloosa is in the midst of an infrastructure crisis.

11- Much of the alarmist rhetoric around debt is a generational divide, Cross argued.

12- Now the global warming alarmists, that's a problem for their theories.

13- Pigford was very critical of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for their technical errors and the alarmist response.

14- 434920 Just a year later, Graham told the press that he questioned what he sees as an alarmist approach to climate change.

15- Of course, China and others in Asia have tried to muddy this change with the alarmist charge of a return to Japanese militarism.

16- Bear in mind that these people are alarmists and it is always in their best interests to paint everything as if the sky was falling.

17- I have never seen myself as an alarmist but rather as a scientist with a critical viewpoint, and in that sense I have always been a skeptic.

18- This type of alarmist sectarianism is remarkably close in tone to Ham's prophetic warnings, and just as founded in the religion of logic and reason.

19- Nevertheless, he thought Theo unduly alarmist in warning him that women like her were out to fleece him.

20- There has been a lot of alarmist publicity about genetically modified foods.

21- alarmists usually regard the rising generation as a falling one.

22- alarmists usually regard the rising generation as a falling one.

23- I don't want to be an alarmist here.

24- It is, of course, difficult as yet to say whether or not these fears are unduly alarmist or exaggerated or even groundless.

25- "Well that phrase is probably a little alarmist," said Suttle.

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