26- This is not just alarmist talk.

27- alarmists usually regard the rising generation as a falling one.

28- He has been neither an apologist nor an alarmist.

29- Some say such fears are alarmist.

30- From this point of view, the fate of blog network is not so alarmist speculation.

31- Like many alarmist narratives, this story feeds on real fears.

32- The ambassador dismissed these views as excessively alarmist.

33- A spokesperson for the food industry said the TV programme was alarmist.

34- The trouble with this alarmist view is that it's nothing new.

35- In places like Trinidad, that sounds a little alarmist.

36- In places like Trinidad, that sounds a little alarmist.

37- So why all the alarmist publicity?

38- The company dismissed his arguments as alarmist.

39- Contrary to the more alarmist reports, he is not going to die.

40- And if you're tired of fretting about swine flu, you can join the folks at Gawker who are complaining about the alarmist nature of the swine flu reporting.

41- A spokesperson for the food industry said the TV programme was alarmist.

42- As the world and the Obama administration move into 2010, it is not foolish or alarmist to express concern about the intractability of the Afghan ulcer.

43- Contrary to the more alarmist reports, he is not going to die.

44- I don't want to be an alarmist here.

45- Nevertheless, he thought Theo unduly alarmist in warning him that women like her were out to fleece him.

46- Some people are inclined to dismiss such questions as alarmist.

47- Back in 2003 that might have all sounded a bit alarmist.27. As the world and the Obama administration move into 2010, it is not foolish or alarmist to express concern about the intractability of the Afghan ulcer.

48- If global warming really is the catastrophe the alarmists claim, the least they can do for its victims is not to patronize them while impoverishing them in the bargain.30. According Funafuti advice for research, usually kept The government has dismissed newspaper reports of 200 dead as being alarmist.

49- I do not wish to be alarmist, but the situation in the region is worse than it has been in many months.

50- Some say such fears are alarmist.

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