1- smoke alarms have been installed in all the rooms.

2- ' I don't know how no one else heard the smoke alarm.'

3- 4. Is your smoke alarm annoying or ugly?

4- Google in February spent $3.2 billion to acquire Nest, a maker of stylish connected smoke alarms and thermostats.

5- Install smoke alarms on every floor and test them regularly.

6- It has launched a campaign to give help and advice on smoke alarms and the use of the devices and their chargers.

7- Public safety officials say this is a good time to put a new battery in the smoke alarm no matter where you live.

8- Public safety officials say this is also a good time to put a new battery in the smoke alarm, no matter where you live.

9- smoke alarms can cut the chance of dying in a fire in half, but they must be working properly to do so.

10- The fire is a tragic example of how quickly anyone can be overcome by fire and the importance of working smoke alarms.

11- The purpose is to spread the word about smoke alarms.

12- The smoke alarm woke them up, said Baker.

13- They say you should install a smoke alarm on every level of your home, outside sleeping areas and in each bedroom.

14- Washington didn't require smoke alarms in multifamily residential until 1981.

15- And as always, make sure you have working smoke alarms throughout the home.

16- At 5:30 p.m., Glave said he came home, and, from the hallway, heard his smoke alarm.

17- Resident Elvis Rivera said he painted each apartment but never saw smoke alarms inside.

18- She has almost lost all hope when she sees the little girl again, who points to the smoke alarm.

19- Their conversation is cut short as the smoke alarm draws everybody into the kitchen: the turkey is ruined.

20- 361600 Interconnected smoke alarms can be hard-wired or wireless battery-operated interconnected alarms are now available.

21- Nest halted all sales of its smoke alarms to prevent customers from buying a device that would need an immediate software patch.

22- An earlier fire marshal's report pointed to a compromised security system and the lack of a main-floor smoke alarm as factors in the fire.

23- Another display featured smoke alarms with information available on the importance of having the devices installed in homes and businesses.

24- It bought Nest, which makes smart thermostat and smoke alarms, this year for $3.2 billion, the Internet firm's second-largest ever acquisition.

25- 'Statistically across the United States and Canada, we can really see a big difference in the homes that have smoke alarms and the ones that don't."

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