1- It is an indisputable fact that global temperatures are alarmingly higher than normal this year.

2- 'alarmingly, two-thirds or more of these cases involved children,' FDA researchers wrote.

3- alarmingly, the Housing Authority has conducted no analysis on how this policy would impact different populations.

4- He grew alarmingly emotional giving me this advice.

5- Rates of severe obesity continue to rise alarmingly.

6- Somehow, alarmingly, the dark side of sport more than occasionally demands the lion's share of centre stage these days.

7- That has contributed to an alarmingly high maternal mortality rate.

8- That is an alarmingly low figure considering the cost in human life.

9- The right side of the frame is growing alarmingly hot.

10- Yet when it comes to talking about the need for humanitarian assistance, there is alarmingly scant, if any, attention.

11- A poster quest I take alarmingly frequent boulangerie and patisserie breaks.

12- Even among university students, levels of AIDS knowledge and risk perception are alarmingly low.

13- He allegedly doled out an alarmingly high amount of narcotic pain medications to his patients.

14- However, from 1808 onwards things began to change alarmingly for the worse.

15- They move about mainly by sidewinding: a method at which they are considerably proficient and alarmingly quick.

16- Since China was given "approved buyer" status by CITES, the smuggling of ivory seems to have increased alarmingly.

17- Budrys concluded that alarmingly, it's taking Spinrad a very long time to stop synthesizing and start speaking with his own voice.

18- MORE: Europe's best cycling cities alarmingly, some detractors even believe much of the construction may be pointless.

19- 'alarmingly, those that offered the least protection are among the most popular on the field,' the author of the study said.

20- Is it any wonder then, that maternal-related disabilities and infant and maternal mortality rates in this county are alarmingly high?

21- 91628 A very high level of unemployment in Spain fell in the period, from 26.2 a year ago to a still alarmingly big 24.1 percent in August.

22- It found that an alarmingly high number of female scientists were sexually harassed (and even assaulted) while conducting research in the field.

23- Most alarmingly, this has included Syrian asylum seekers fleeing the conflict, who are considered by the UN to be refugees due to their nationality.

24- It is an indisputable fact that global temperatures are alarmingly higher than normal this year.

25- A few heads with whom we came into contact seemed alarmingly out of touch with recent developments in primary education.

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