1- My knees started to tremble when I realized that this wasn't a false alarm,but a catastrophe.

2- A computer failure may have triggered the false alarm.

3- But if I go and fall, then the false alarm rate won't be as small as it will be for Joe."

4- But there have also been many false alarms.

5- false alarm on F, V.C. at 6:51 a.m. Traffic stop on I80, McCarran at 7:22 a.m. Citation issued.

6- false alarm on USA Parkway, McCarran at 8:26 a.m. Traffic stop on Peru, McCarran at 8:54 a.m. Citation issued.

7- Health officials expect false alarms from travelers who have fever from other illnesses.

8- She also wrote: "false alarm to Queen's death!

9- Smart smoke detectors are a fantastic idea and, other than the false alarms, we're very pleased with the devices.

10- SPIEGEL: But false alarms spread via Twitter or Facebook could be quite damaging.

11- The country's Ebola scare, though proven a false alarm should not make us complacent.

12- The Greek case also proved to be a false alarm.

13- The military said that two rocket-warning sirens sounded in the south proved to be false alarms.

14- Two fire engines also rushed to the road this morning for what turned out to be a false alarm.

15- Concern about false alarms contributed to the cancer society's new guidance.

16- In the winter of 1939-1940 the Dutch experienced a number of false alarms concerning a German attack.

17- Is it supposed to be damaged by false alarms and jittery nerves on the part of others?

18- It turned out to be a false alarm, and an officer woke Herbinger up to report what had happened.

19- No one at Fort Griswold had been expecting anything especially after there had been 6 years of false alarms.

20- The pregnancy was a false alarm but the damage was done, making Grayson and Matthew despise each other.

21- There had been false alarms before, but this time it seemed to check out.

22- This was assumed to be a false alarm, but high readings persisted.

23- We first believed it was a false alarm, as we had heard so often before about Bix.

24- The false alarm that happened on Petrov's watch could not have come at a more dangerous, intense phase in U.S.-Soviet relations.

25- He argues at length that concern over swine flu and the resulting immunizations were actually false alarms put forth to terrify the public.

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