1- In 1944, as Germany was losing the war, many Estonians became alarmed at the prospect of Soviet occupation, and fled to Sweden.

2- We were alarmed at her cry.

3- German officials are alarmed at the rise in both anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic sentiment.

4- I am extremely alarmed at the evidence."

5- alarmed at the number of people she assumed were mentally ill, she asked her friend to bring her back to prison.

6- McCoist was believed to have become alarmed at the number of staff losing their jobs at the club.

7- They said the deer became alarmed at the small crowd of people and tried to "leap" over them.

8- Todd Moore, chief executive of Alliance Bank Central Texas, in Waco, is alarmed at the prospect of insurance mergers.

9- Some commentators are alarmed at a growing atmosphere of vigilantism.

10- Alliance leaders also were alarmed at Lee's behaviour, which they considered unseemly for the Chief Minister of a state.

11- Captain Jack had never fought the Army, and was alarmed at this command, but finally agreed to put down his weapons.

12- Rights groups are alarmed at the relative silence from Turkey's allies.

13- Gradually more and more MPs, including Prime Minister David Lange became alarmed at the extent and speed of the reforms.

14- Alliance leaders also were alarmed at Lee's behaviour, which they considered unseemly for the Chief Minister of a state.

15- His Moslem allies in Welo, alarmed at the Christian Birru Aligaz being invested on their borders, likewise grew disaffected.

16- Treese, Storm Gathering, 23. From his home in England, chief proprietor Thomas Penn soon became alarmed at John's extravagant expenses.

17- Bell 2000, pp. 26-28 The Treasury soon became alarmed at the potential cost of the program, which was costed at between £88 and £104 million.

18- Treese, Storm Gathering, 23. From his home in England, chief proprietor Thomas Penn soon became alarmed at John's extravagant expenses.

19- While he had supported the king's efforts to overthrow papal authority in favour of royal supremacy, he was now alarmed at where this might lead.

20- 921258 We will be alarmed at successive deceptions - and irresolute.

21- We were alarmed at her cry.

22- In 1944, as Germany was losing the war, many Estonians became alarmed at the prospect of Soviet occupation, and fled to Sweden.

23- They were alarmed at the news.

24- In 1944, as Germany was losing the war, many Estonians became alarmed at the prospect of Soviet occupation, and fled to Sweden.

25- In 1944, as Germany was losing the war, many Estonians became alarmed at the prospect of Soviet occupation, and fled to Sweden.

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