1- Speaking about Antarctica, Jacques Cousteau said, "May this continent, the last explored by humankind, be the first one to be spared by humankind.

2- "Scientists warn that if humankind is going to have a future on this planet, it is absolutely inevitable that we find another energy source.

3- Slavery is one of the most evil practices in the history of humankind.

4- Italian scientists have identified humankind's oldest footprints, which were trodden in volcanic ash in southern Italy at least 325,000 years ago by relatives of modern humans.

5- treasureSomeone once suggested that poverty is the most toxic element known to humankind.

6- humankind began establishing the first permanent settlements when they learned how to grow food, about 10,000 years ago.

7- Scientists warn that if humankind is going to have a future on this planet, we must reduce pollution.

8- According to the Bible and the Koran, humankind and religion were born simultaneously in Mesopotamia.

9- The weight of the world's insect population is 12 times greater than that of humankind.

10- Someone once suggested that poverty is the most toxic element known to humankind.

11- elevateThe Martians threatened to destroy all humankind if humans didn't stop polluting the planet Earth.

12- The weight of the world's insect population exceeds that of humankind by a factor of twelve.

13- Richard Dehmel once observed that a little kindness from person to person is better than a vast love for all humankind.

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