1- Robert Graves once suggested that civilization has gotten further and further from the so-called 'natural' man, who uses all his faculties: perception, invention, improvisation.

2- Studies of so-called primitive tribes in South America have found they generally have a very sophisticated social system.

3- Discussion question: What is the fastest way of making a drunk person sober? so-calledRobert Graves once suggested that civilization has gotten further and further from the so-called 'natural' man, who uses all his faculties: perception, invention, improvisation.

4- Studies of so-called primitive tribes in South America have found they generally have a very sophisticated social system.

5- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg once remarked that perhaps in time the so-called Dark Ages will be thought of as including our own.

6- James Robinson once stated that most of our so-called reasoning consists in finding arguments for going on believing as we already do.

7- The so-called compromise they are suggesting gives them practically everything they want, and leaves us with almost nothing of what we want.

8- so-called magic mushrooms have been used for centuries, primarily in the context of religious rituals and ceremonies.

9- His wife is taking some silly course in this so-called institute where they claim to teach people to read minds.

10- so-called magic mushrooms have been used for centuries, primarily in the context of religious rituals and ceremonies.

11- so-called magic mushrooms have been used for centuries, primarily in the context of religious rituals and ceremonies.

12- His wife is taking some silly course in this so-called institute where they claim to teach people to read minds.

13- Max Lerner once said that the so-called lessons of history are, for the most part, the rationalizations of the victors because history is written by the survivors.

14- Studies of so-called primitive tribes in South America have found they generally have a very sophisticated social system.

15- The government's so-called budget increase is actually a decrease if you factor in the rise in the cost of living.

16- Many pharmaceutical companies are now showing an interest in marketing so-called natural remedies.

17- so-called magic mushrooms have been used for centuries, primarily in the context of religious rituals and ceremonies.

18- societyThe so-called hole in our ozone is actually just an area which is thinner than normal.

19- The so-called economic liberalisation of the former communist countries has cost a great number of people their jobs.

20- The so-called hole in our ozone is actually just an area which is thinner than normal.

21- Many pharmaceutical companies are now showing an interest in marketing so-called natural remedies.

22- so-called supernatural phenomena, such as clairvoyance, and ESP have never survived the empirical test, and are, therefore, unacceptable to the scientific mind.

23- so-called freedom of speech somehow isn't so free when the opinions being expressed are regarded as objectionable by those in power.

24- Antibiotics which were once considered miracle cures are now useless against so-called super bugs.

25- so-called supernatural phenomena, such as clairvoyance and ESP have never been proven to exist.

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