26- So much attention is paid to the company because the stock is so volatile.

27- The attack wounded 13 others in the volatile region bordering Afghanistan.

28- The case remains politically volatile because most of those being tried are connected to the opposition.

29- This shows how erratic and volatile he is."""

30- Yet it's by no means certain that outside assistance will be permitted inside such a volatile area.

31- 'It's going to be an extremely volatile year.'

32- 'North Korean internal politics is very volatile these days.

33- A less volatile measure of unemployment claims, the four-week average, fell to 322,500.

34- A volatile guy, big-hearted and very smart, Moran is not facing any opposition, and his retirement puzzled Price.

35- A: IPOs can be volatile and frequently don't fare too well in their first year.

36- All the growth came from non-conventional oil and gas extraction (such as oilsands oil), which can be more volatile.

37- And an estimated 10,000 have fled into Sudan's volatile West Kordofan and South Kordofan states.

38- Apple is a big target for patent lawsuits, but cases are volatile and can drag on for many years through appeals.

39- Apple is often volatile on days it announces products.

40- BlackBerry's volatile stock was up 0.2 percent at $10.28 in late-morning Nasdaq trading.

41- Both are key but often very volatile components of the total.

42- But amid this action remains a very volatile civil war in that country.

43- But even highly volatile regions such as Helmand Province remained peaceful on election day.

44- But, McIntire said, 'capital gains is probably the most volatile revenue source for most state governments.

45- Capital stock is the least volatile of the indicators.

46- China's relationship with US technology companies can be volatile.

47- China's stock market has been volatile in the past two months.

48- Court records point to a volatile family life.

49- Due to their smaller size, microcaps -- also sometimes known as penny stocks -- are more volatile than larger stocks.

50- Eusey at Beacon Pointe Advisors also thinks the more volatile environment is a wake-up call for investors.

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