1- You should make allowances for her age.

2- At our company, the retirement age is 60 .

3- My father died at the age of fortynine.

4- You had better take account of his age.

5- He killed himself at the age of thirty.

6- Children begin school at the age of six.

7- She killed herself at the age of thirty.

8- She got married at the age of seventeen.

9- He lost his parents at the age of seven.

10- He wrote this book at the age of twenty.

11- He graduated from college at the age of .

12- This is an age when honesty does not pay.

13- He is in good health in spite of his age.

14- James Dean died in a car crash at age 24.

15- age, like distance, lends a double charm.

16- He looks quite sophisticated for his age.

17- Old age is an island surrounded by death.

18- She became a teacher at the age of twenty.

19- My father will retire at the age of sixty.

20- We are living in the age of nuclear power.

21- I got married when I was years of age.

22- UFSHe retired from the company at the age of .

23- I intended to buy a car when I come of age.

24- Grandma is three and a half times your age.

25- His memory has been decaying because of age.

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