1- On another plan there was the prediction of a new age.

2- My wife receives all kinds of junk mail from new age religions and weird spiritualists.

3- Every June, thousands of new age sun worshippers flock to Stonehenge for the summer solstice.

4- If you ask me, ESP, communication with spirits, new age religion, and all that crap is pure nonsense.

5- If you ask me, ESP, communication with spirits, new age religion, and all that stuff is just total crap.

6- The rise in new age spiritualism is merely a manifestation of the difficulty some people experience in moving from a traditional, religious society into a modern, scientInstead, they are searching for the perfect red heifer to usher in the new age.

7- The new age threshold brings PEI practices in line with those used in Nova Scotia.

8- The new agenda has many exciting features, but we do need to temper our enthusiasm.

9- Now Jonkers hopes his concrete could be the start of a new age of biological buildings.

10- Ban Ki-moon The new agenda is comprehensive, reflecting the complexity of today's world.

11- There were more episodes of low blood pressure and allergic swelling with the new agent.

12- The new agenda on migration comes in the wake of thousands of Mediterranean drowning deaths.

13- In its place, slowly but surely, we are witnessing the birth of a new age of Accountability."

14- The music is neither new age nor pop.

15- He enjoys quiet evenings playing classical and new age piano.

16- A new age is not far away.

17- The new age executive is young and lean .

18- A new age is beginning in astronomy .

19- Understanding the new age agenda that has influenced nearly everything.

20- Thus, a new age is very near.

21- Is it closer to new age " music?

22- I wasn't aware the new age was coming.

23- A strong signal to a new age .

24- This opened a new age of steam locomotive development.

25- The chiropractic profession has moved into a new age .

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