1- He is worn with age.

2- She was weary with age.

3- We gain wisdom with age.

4- His eyes are dim with age.

5- He has become weaker with age.

6- Grandmother is bent double with age.

7- Passions weaken, but habits strengthen, with age.

8- There is an Italian proverb which states that old wine and friends improve with age.

9- Studies show that physical inactivity increases with age and is more common among women than men and among those with lower income and less education.

10- Those products were the most popular and their use increased with age.

11- Osteoporosis, a condition of weak or brittle bones, often occurs with age.

12- It was most common among Hispanic people and became increasingly common with age.

13- 'Plus, there is evidence that the fibrous bands get thicker and stiffer with age.'

14- There is also a patchwork of laws with ages that change depending on what they cover.

15- Less interaction with agents may mean fewer chances to flag or upend potential threats.

16- She saw success had nothing to do with age, gender, education or which coast you live on.

17- And correlating chemistry with age, we can see how the Moon's volcanism changed over time.

18- Initially furious at his mother for abandoning him, Muhic's feelings have changed with age.

19- Asked how close he felt to his top form, Federer said he thinks he might be improving with age.

20- Patients with age-related flaws or damage may benefit from an evaluation to explore their options.

21- Second, check in with agents while the approvals process is underway to ensure the loan is on track.

22- Confidence comes with age, and looking beautiful comes from the confidence someone has in themselves.

23- 'Here, at last, I can now sleep in peace, I got rid of a burden that with age has become more and more unbearable for my conscience.'

24- Use slow-growing plants like boxwoods which live for many years and natural materials like stone or brick that get more beautiful with age.

25- 388685 It is especially maddening to be disregarded as a viable employee because of myths associated with age in our youth-obsessed culture.

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