1- What is written above is what has been written about Brest for ages.

2- for ages have we known the perfidy of the Saxons, were it not for our madness!

3- The game takes about 20 minutes, is for 2-10 players, and is for ages 5 and up.

4- The Methodist Church is home to Bradmore Youth Project a youth club for ages 9-16.

5- Line 3: The X protocol hasn't changed for ages and it is unlikely that it will change anytime soon.

6- After being admitted, the initiates were instructed in the secret wisdom which had been preserved for ages.

7- After being confined for ages in a prison of stone deep beneath the surface of the realms, Algorab has broken free.

8- Retrieved on 4 August 2007. which involves competitive fishing for ages eleven through eighteen in a family-friendly environment.

9- We've had no rain for agesWe haven't met for ages.

10- I haven't smoked for ages.

11- She has lived alone for ages.

12- I have not seen you for ages.

13- mahdiyeI haven't heard from him for ages.

14- mamatfor ages, man has been fighting against disease.

15- They had to strive against natural calamities for ages.

16- I haven't seen you for ages.

17- Do you remember when I saw you last?

18- More unusual were a range of large constructible figures for ages 6 in the Star Wars line.

19- Deadheads for ages, Skall and Hancock also launched the Brau Ramble bluegrass concert series.

20- The plan upends the traditional "bundle" model that has existed in the television industry for ages.

21- I'll be there from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Cost: $25 for adults, $15 for ages 11-17, free ages 10 and under.

22- This application is recommended for ages 6+.

23- This event is for ages 19+.

24- Most state secondary schools are for ages 11-16.

25- It is recommended for ages 21 -65.

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