1- At the age of 9, he began to study violin.

2- He died in Munich at the age of ninety-one.

3- A daughter, Herta, died at the age of five.

4- First performed in public at the age of five.

5- Frances Willard died at the age of 58 in NYC.

6- at the age of 9, I was already writing songs.

7- Francis II became king at the age of fifteen.

8- at the age of 15, her life changes perilously.

9- He died July 30, 1968 at the age of eighty-two.

10- Corrigan died on 12/9/95 at the age of 88 years.

11- at the age of 20, he became an agrégé in history.

12- So, at the age of 42 he found himself in the army.

13- Genesis 25:1-6 Abraham died at the age of 175 years.

14- at the age of 23, Hanson was unable to save his life.

15- He began his instrumental career at the age of eight.

16- at the age of 12 Bill started work at a local theater.

17- He moved to Diego Martin in Trinidad at the age of two.

18- Xin started his military career at the age of twenty-two.

19- at the age of twenty Albert Geelvinck became her husband.

20- at the age of 12, Goldspink auditioned for S Club Juniors.

21- He started Track and Field in 1967, at the age of thirteen.

22- He was apprenticed to a local printer at the age of sixteen.

23- at the age of thirteen, he began to deliver public lectures.

24- 292269 He died of a sudden illness at the age of ninety-nine.

25- at the age of sixteen, she became the wife of Lord Jon Arryn.

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