1- She is still under age.

2- StephenCasePersons under age are prohibited from smoking.

3- He is not allowed to talk to anyone under age 17, other than immediate family.

4- If you are under age 59½, you will also get hit with the 10% early withdrawal penalty.

5- The children - all under age 10 - will be placed in a public orphanage, the newspaper reported.

6- And the results can be generalized only to Americans under age 32, as that was the group surveyed.

7- Parents would get a bigger tax credit-$3,000 more per child under age 5-to help pay for child care.

8- Such books often feature characters under age twenty.

9- Bicycle riders under age 16 must wear a helmet.

10- Registration is $15 for those under age 19.

11- Not recommended for children under age 8.

12- About 28% of stroke victims are under age 65.

13- The exception is for patients under age 18.

14- Benefits were payable for children under age 16.

15- There were no survivors under age 12.

16- The show is free for children under age 2 .

17- I am 24 and mother to 4 girls under age 8.

18- An unmarried child under age 23 or a spouse.

19- There are no dues for children under age 18.

20- The test now generally applies to beneficiaries under age 70.

21- People under age 35 drive fewer miles annually than in 1990.

22- Certain children under age 19 or full-time students.

23- Cost is $30; free for under age 14.

24- Around half are children ; the majority under age 11.

25- For workers under age 25, the figures are much worse.

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