1- When did he come of age?

2- He hasn't come of age yet.

3- My daughter will come of age next year.

4- My daughter will come of age this year.

5- I intended to buy a car when I come of age.

6- We have the right to vote when we come of age.

7- In Japan people come of age when they are years old.

8- In most Western countries, young people come of age at or .

9- Now you have come of age, you should seek a living for yourself.

10- 'I want it to come from me so that when they come of age, I'll just tell them the real story.

11- Accounting software has clearly come of age .

12- She died before coming of age.

13- I love looking at everyone's colorful kimonos on coming of age Day.

14- coming of age drama Boyhood walked away with the coveted best picture award.

15- Online journals are definitely coming of age .

16- Is content marketing coming of age down under?

17- A dark and twisted coming of age story.

18- As children we were enthralled by a crystal world that was believed to have great things lie within, waiting, until we come of age.

19- Adam's father being killed is very important, because this is an element that helps Adam come of age.

20- Other sects generally has no coming of age ceremony.

21- Meanwhile, focal infection theory was " coming of age ".

22- He was coming of age as a young safety.

23- coming of age should be a life changing process.

24- This coming of age story starts with a kiss.

25- At 14 , Dani is coming of age .

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