1- Those 2 years seemed to take ages to pass.

2- Anyway I pretend to take ages in the toilet.

3- Mum it's gonna take ages to eat these.

4- I don't care, I take ages !

5- Gonna take ages just to do this!

6- After all, it would take ages to grow another pair.

7- It takes ages to send mail in English >.

8- You have to download it first - which takes ages .

9- My chrome book is now very slow, takes ages to start up.

10- Armer has issues that live posters are hard to find and takes ages to load.

11- Cos it it takes ages .

12- The trouble with strawberry moose is, it takes ages to make doesn't it?

13- Each visit to the toilet took ages .

14- It took ages to programme but it was worth every second.

15- It took ages to believe that she was actually here.

16- It took ages to get the ball.

17- You know, it took ages to digest!

18- Coffee was not warm enough and took ages to arrive also.

19- The videos took ages to load and tended to be long.

20- It took ages to plan and write this instructable .

21- Whatever, it still took ages to put it on.

22- It took ages for me to cool down after this run.

23- It seemed like it took ages for medical attention to reach her.

24- It took ages before he twigged.

25- Unfortunately, for Amon Amarth the set-up took ages .

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