1- However, the exodus has also spread to a worrying extent among those of the third age.

2- This world evolved to the third age on 9 January 2014.

3- the third age of political communication: Influences and features.

4- Who will give priority to education for the third age ?

5- So began the third age of Middle-earth.

6- Former Chairman, University of the third age Nottingham.

7- It strikes me that this web 2.0 stuff is the third age of museums.

8- These hills served as line of defense against Angmar early in the third age .

9- This is the beginning of his Holy influence and initiates the third age of revelation.

10- The last year of the third age was year 1421 on the Shire calendar.

11- Chen, Y-P. Income security for the third age : Concepts and sources.

12- Only Bree and a few surrounding villages lasted to the end of the third age .

13- For Richard, the third age foretold by Joachim of Fiore had now begun.

14- A University of the third age was established in 2003 and in 2010 had 600 members.

15- But at the end , Champion's Axe of the third age awaited me.

16- It became the heavily fortified capital of Gondor in the second half of the third age .

17- Sauron's history at the site begins in the third age , around the year 1100.

18- A journey through the Schema War years, which dominated the rest of the third age .

19- 195843 EA published two Tolkien property games in 2004: The Lord of the Rings: the third age and The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth.

20- Only Bree and a few surrounding villages lasted to the end of the third age.

21- IGN expected The White Council to continue on from the side-story of the third age.

22- In the third age, He created out of his two left ribs Aadishakti (Primeval Energy).

23- The Second Age ended with the war's conclusion and the third age of the World began.

24- In the third age and the beginning of the Fourth, the King of Gondor is Aragorn, son of Arathorn.

25- In Tolkien's mythos, it was the Elvish language most commonly spoken in Middle-earth in the third age.

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