26- Dragons consumed four of the Seven Rings, and after Sauron's return in the third age he recaptured three of them.

27- These are the more numerous kind of elf in the third age, and have great love of, and talent with, music and song.

28- In the third age, a number of the Maiar were embodied and sent to Endor to help the free peoples to overthrow Sauron.

29- Another reason for some optimism is the increase in personal possessions with which people enter the third age .

30- The alliance between Rohan and Gondor came into existence in the year 2510 of the third age .

31- Because the ruling Ring was not destroyed, the Nazgūl re-emerged around 1300 of the third age .

32- the third age also marked the creation of the Ganymede prototype, made by the Ashford Foundation.

33- Their descendants the Dśnedain of Gondor and Arnor continued to speak Sindarin in the third age .

34- They quietly returned to their homes again, thus ending the Second Age, and beginning the third age .

35- Many Hobbits followed them, and most of the territory they had settled in the third age was abandoned.

36- Malvern also has an active University of the third age that was founded at Malvern Hills College in 1995.

37- It was the dawn of the third age of mankind, the year the great war came upon us all.

38- The Easterlings of the third age were divided in different tribes, such as the Wainriders and the Balchoth.

39- By the third age , they were a dwindling race, having long ago lost their mates, the Entwives.

40- During the first millennium of the third age , Gondor was victorious in war and its wealth and power grew.

41- This world evolved to the Second Age on 29 May 2013 and to the third age on 16 September 2013.

42- World 4 entered the Second Age on 18 June 2013. and to the third age on 2 September 2013.

43- This World evolved to the Second Age on 17 January 2013 and to the third age on 6 June 2013.

44- In one of the official film guidebooks, a birthdate for Legolas is set to 87 of the third age .

45- The origin of Hobbits is obscure; they first appeared in the records of other Men in the third age .

46- This World Evolved to The Second Age on 12 July 2013 and to the third age on 16 October 2013.

47- This world evolved to the Second Age on 6 June 2013, and to the third age on 17 October 2013.

48- World 1 evolved to the Second Age on 1 February 2013 and then to the third age on 19 July 2013.

49- The Hobbit : Armies of the third age is also playable on Kabam's website and through the Google Chrome store.

50- This world Evolved to The Second Age on 1 July 2013, and to the third age on 13 September 2013.

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