26- The airplane landed on my father's farm.

27- I took an airplane from Tokyo to Kyushu.

28- The airplane disappeared into the clouds.

29- The airplane is to arrive at ten o'clock.

30- A passenger airplane took off for the USA.

31- He was killed in an airplane accident.

32- jakovThe airplane took off for London last night.

33- The buzz of the toy airplane was quite loud.

34- The airplane has robbed travel of its poetry.

35- She won't take an airplane for fear of a crash.

36- The snow prevented the airplane from taking off.

37- The airplane was at the mercy of the strong wind.

38- I took an airplane for the first time in my life.

39- The airplane skimmed the ground before it crashed.

40- The airplane was swallowed up in the large clouds.

41- The new airplane flies at twice the speed of sound.

42- The natives saw an airplane then for the first time.

43- The airplane has brought about a revolution in travel.

44- We enjoyed a grand view of the Alps from the airplane.

45- The airplane took off as soon as I arrived at the airport.

46- A commercial airplane allegedly violated military airspace.

47- His airplane had already left when I got to Narita Airport.

48- The first commercial passenger airplane began flying in 1914.

49- I remember vividly the first time I jumped out of an airplane.

50- He launched his paper airplane, and it sailed across the room.

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