26- He said he is alarmed by the World Health Organization's warning that Ebola cases could increase and the virus could mutate.

27- Western governments have been increasingly alarmed by the numbers of European and American fighters sneaking into Syria to fight with IS.

28- Some investors fear Western governments, already alarmed by Russia's support for rebels in Ukraine's east, might toughen economic sanctions.

29- The buyers were alarmed by the onset of sharply higher flood insurance premiums mandated by Congress and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

30- alarmed by her friend's sudden transformation, she sent out vengeful spirits through the geysers to the world above ground as a cry for help.

31- Many parents and religious organizations, especially in the United States, became alarmed by pornography being more readily available to minors.

32- The city was alarmed by the earthquake.

33- I am alarmed by your irresponsible attitude. Barbiche

34- He was alarmed by the explosion.

35- In 1833, Missouri settlers, alarmed by the rapid influx of Mormons, expelled them from Jackson County.

36- When the 2013 results from Gaza were first uncovered, UNRWA was alarmed by the apparent increase.

37- Zoe became infatuated and they had an affair but Charity ended it after becoming alarmed by Zoe's possessiveness.

38- alarmed by the noise, the birds flew away.

39- Many women are alarmed by suggestions of a link between the contraceptive pill and breast cancer.30. Some women may carry a gene that increases the risk of breast cancer.

40- Environmentalists are alarmed by the dramatic increase in pollution.

41- alarmed by the case, foreign governments are talking of retaliation.

42- She was alarmed by his violent outburst.

43- I was alarmed by his naivety and ignorance of international affairs.

44- He began by explaining the Miles affair very soberly and logically, because Mr Greenleaf would probably be pretty alarmed by now.

45- I was slightly alarmed by what Susan told me.

46- I was slightly alarmed by what Susan told me.

47- I was alarmed by his naivety and ignorance of international affairs.

48- alarmed by the case, foreign governments are talking of retaliation.

49- We are all alarmed by the rise in violent crime.

50- All the same, a few were quite alarmed by the clowns, shrieking in fright and clinging to their mothers!

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