76- Parcel racks were redesigned so the supply of fresh air and light output was more readily available.

77- Queen Juliana began riding a bicycle for exercise and fresh air.

78- Reading Russell is a breath of fresh air in a room filled with smoke and mirror hermeneutics.

79- The device, which has a patent pending on it, would create virtual walls of fresh air.

80- These hatches are kept open except in bad weather to allow light and fresh air into the lower deck.

81- This is done by transfer of energy to the incoming outside fresh air.

82- The vacuum cleaner generates a vacuum inside the sieving chamber and sucks in fresh air through the slotted nozzle.

83- 330922 He soon became overwhelmed with the sights and sounds, and began to head up to the deck for fresh air. 25.9886

84- Finzer, p. 103 It is an ideal place for walking, hiking or exercise and enjoy the fresh air provided by the wooded area.

85- By California standards at that time, the route was considered extremely exposed, especially the famous fresh air Traverse.

86- 963038 Summary Lesley Joseph hosting A Breath of fresh air (by the Chiltern Shakespeare Society ) on the 17 June 2008. 31.6045

87- Missing her babies, the queen went mad, and had to be shut up in a tower in the mountains where the fresh air might restore her.

88- Escaping Wyndemere for a brief moment of fresh air, Siobhan was promptly abducted again and used as a bargaining chip for Brenda.

89- TC has made appearances on shows hosted by Radio 1 's Zane Lowe and was regarded as a breath of fresh air in the drum and bass scene.

90- fresh air, bed rest and good food were part of their treatment and a lot of the food for the patients was grown on the hospital farm.

91- 395328 It's a breath of fresh air to hear of someone with a distinguished rank working on this problem,"" Grassley said."

92- 'When you see that you just instinctually react and say let's get him out of there and get him some fresh air,' said Canale.

93- They now have fresh water all the time, two good meals every day, dog treats, fresh air, and the love and affection they crave.

94- Vatican II (1962-65) allowed Pope John XXIII, the pontiff said, to throw open the windows of the Church to let in some fresh air.

95- A US-led alliance launched fresh air strikes against IS in Syria on Friday as Britain weighed joining the aerial campaign in Iraq.

96- The isolation areas are equipped with special ventilators to ensure that clean, fresh air is pumped into the ward and used air is extracted.

97- This fantastic little grill fan targets a jet of fresh air right where it's needed, drastically shortening prep time on the way to a tasty dinner.

98- Known for its fresh air, the mountain was designated a national nature reserve in 1997, and sits 120 kilometers away from the nearest city of Luoyang.

99- In 1913, she conceived the idea of a convalescent home in the country for sick infants who might benefit from the fresh air.

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