51- In 2001, Castile and León received roughly 315,000 visitors, of whom 42,000 were from abroad.

52- In 2004, there were more than 2 million tourists reported to have visited Goa, 400,000 of which were from abroad.

53- In some cases marriage is postponed untill the important relatives do not plan to arrive in Pakistan from abroad.

54- It begins with Dolf returning from abroad, in a train with Austrian markings, and meeting up with his friends.

55- It has schools and open categories, and is attended by a variety of "works" and private teams, some traveling from abroad.

56- Many gay and lesbian communities from abroad also participated this time.

57- Non-conventional sources of revenue Samoa annually receives important financial assistance from abroad.

58- She has been reporting regularly from abroad while also covering Canada's foreign policy.

59- Since this happens continuously, these pairs are effectively screening the charge from abroad.

60- So far, all the laboratory furniture including laboratory benches were imported from abroad.

61- Some of the biggest U.S. companies now get most of their revenue from abroad.

62- Spain remains the biggest market for signing players under the age of 18 from abroad.

63- Surprisingly, Lillie is coming back from abroad to raise her children.

64- The national government was restored, but again to face instability, this time coming from abroad.

65- The unemployment rate also fell to 7.6 percent in 1989, despite an influx of workers from abroad.

66- The Yishuv relied on the money from abroad to support the settlements.

67- There was opera in the Ottoman palace in 1850 where artists from abroad were performing, he said.

68- These agricultural settlements were supported by philanthropists from abroad, chiefly Theodore Rothschild.

69- They cling to the hope that Japan's economy will weather the slowdown from abroad.

70- They just arrived Tokyo from abroad on the Pacific water route.

71- Two are involved in the search, and the third was making his way home from abroad to join them.

72- The island has become a haven for tourists from abroad, especially British and Italians, Field, June (2003-11-16).

73- May 1954 A foreign investment law granting capital from abroad equal treatment with national capital is promulgated.

74- 106534 Grenoble is now an important university centre with more than 60,000 students, including 16% from abroad. 38.2706

75- Norwegian soldiers also joined free Norwegian units in the United Kingdom to continue the fight against the Nazis from abroad.

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