76- Mehmed's campaigns there had put Skanderbeg under massive strain while the latter had yet to receive financial aid from abroad.

77- The new Church was built in place of the old with the help of both expatriates from abroad and the personal work of the villagers.

78- Sailors brought interesting souvenirs from abroad and Ehrström started thinking of establishing a museum based on those curiosities.

79- By a freeholder. 1776 * Erskine, John Religious intelligence and seasonable advice from abroad from Connecticut Evangelical Magazine.

80- Several are built in a style native to the island, among which is the Jemaâ El Ghorba (literally mosque from abroad) of the Maliki rite.

81- There is also a famous dessert restaurant called Honeymoon Dessert that brings in many visitors from all over Hong Kong and even from abroad.

82- The main carnival night is on Tuesday when not only masked participants from the country, but carnival groups from abroad take part, as well.

83- These problems can be allayed by the fact that the governments in this region are opening the markets to companies from abroad.

84- Instead, company officials entertained offers from abroad; in fact, you could say that the owners "imported" prospective buyers.

85- Measles is not native to the United States anymore, but cases may arise as people bring the disease into the country from abroad.

86- "What chance of rising living standards for all when unscrupulous firms can exploit workers from abroad to get around the minimum wage?

87- At the time, Kayange was playing with his compatriots and visiting teams from abroad on the other side of the city in the Safari Sevens.

88- They stream popular and highly illegal programming, such as Risqué Turkish soap operas and Persian music video channels broadcasting from abroad.

89- from abroad, it's easy to imagine that reporters in Beijing are censoring themselves, and Bloomberg reporters accused their employer of doing so.

90- An unholy alliance of former Ba'thists, Sunni tribesmen, and violent Jihadis (many of whom come from abroad) forms the basis of the "Islamic State".

91- Moscow has by no means succeeded in retrieving Russian capital from abroad as a substitute for foreign investment to modernize the country's economy.

92- Humans travel from abroad to be educated at these schools as they are regarded as the best places for a thorough education.

93- It has participation from colleges all over India and some from abroad as well as from the student community within the campus.

94- Major General Husseen Kulmiye headed the National Drought Relief Committee, which sought relief aid from abroad, among other programs.

95- The library provides extension services to students, teachers, scholars, research workers and senior citizens including scholars from abroad.

96- He said the situation was partly their own fault, with much of the money sent from abroad to build Palestine being stolen by corrupt leaders".

97- 372770 In the first reaction from abroad, British Prime Minister David Cameron condemned the shooting.

98- I made friends with a student from abroad.

99- He just returned from abroad.

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