26- The food locally grown and sourced ingredients are used whenever possible.

27- The money raised will go to various good causes locally, including at least £500 to the Guides' roof appeal.

28- These locally-known establishments helped increase the airports revenues by 7.2% in the last year.

29- The shop will soon be fleshed out with bread, grab-and-go prepared foods, and locally-sourced grocery items.

30- This year, it's hoping to hire 790 people locally.

31- Val Wilkes, co-owner of the Rocket Inn in T or C"" as the town is known locally."

32- We continue to seek ways to reduce wait times locally, while providing quality health care to each veteran."

33- 'I want to be involved locally so I am not travelling 12 hours on a flight for my next job.'

34- 4. Put out a world-wide RFP for building these toilets with locally-available and eco-friendly materials.

35- A camper van brought across via ferry or a rental car hired locally makes traveling the islands much easier.

36- A few gusty and perhaps locally damaging storms can occur into Monday evening across the Ohio Valley, Elliott said.

37- All products are made on site by local artisans, using only locally sourced materials.

38- Almost all vegetables and fruits are grown locally.

39- Almost everything here is locally produced and reasonably priced.

40- Also key: knowing what motivates locally bred employees.

41- An outstanding nursery to find rare varieties locally is Bouquet Banque Nursery (twigtwisters.

42- And Milososki says that, for once, the changes have been locally-driven.

43- And unless you lived near a cidery, it was nearly impossible to try locally produced ciders.

44- Another round of drenching and locally severe storms will affect parts of Texas and the Plains into Thursday night.

45- As an example, entails globally but not locally.

46- Australia doesn't allow feces delivered from outside of the country, so we have partners who ship it locally for us.

47- Beaufighters were later made locally by the DAP.

48- Bollington is also known locally as the Happy Valley.

49- But every year, the same guy locally, there's a couple of them, will do anything they can to disrupt us.

50- But locally-owned, independent record stores have also played a part in the vinyl industry's revival.

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