51- But then some of those same friends saw a locally-made short documentary film called 'Maikaru.'

52- Chefs are embracing locally grown produce and root-to stalk dining, which makes use of all parts of the plant.

53- CITGO is committed to giving back to the local communities it serves through its network of locally owned stations.

54- Concerns were made to no aval (sic) locally."

55- Damaging winds gusts will be a threat, along with locally heavy rain and localized flooding.

56- Each man must redefine his idea of family in this locally led drama that gets right to the heart of matters.

57- Ermine pushes aside her pesticide-free, locally-stitched chew toy in favor of a Funyun bag filled with damp rocks.

58- Even with new jobs being created locally, there is a lagging effect between job growth and residential activity.

59- Everyone show up until we can vote locally again.

60- Ferman Automotive is locally owned and has been serving the automotive needs of the Tampa Bay area since 1895.

61- Florida Governor Rick Scott praised the venture, which he said will "invest $200 million locally and create 330 jobs."

62- Foodies around the world know of Jamie Oliver's passion for using locally-sourced, farm-to-table ingredients.

63- Frances Ross, Sophia Flather and Megan Williams decided to try pork farming this summer as a way to raise food locally.

64- Godfrey Lundberg played the cornet locally in Spokane.

65- Goring explained the blue-naped parrot disappeared locally about 15 years ago, primarily because of the pet trade.

66- He also emphasized the need to continue efforts to replace imported weapons components with locally-produced ones.

67- He also intends to create jobs locally and eventually expand the business to New York and other states.

68- He offers locally grown produce with a big, warm smile.

69- He said: 'They say one thing locally but it is their national policies that have got us into this mess.'

70- He suspects it was related to a locally purchased microwavable sandwich, or store-bought pepperoni on a homemade pizza.

71- Highway 75 and is known locally as the North Freeway.

72- His ultimate dream, Wysocki says, is to start a mental health facility or a soup kitchen locally.

73- How to save: One surprisingly affordable find in Switzerland is the locally made wine.

74- However, locally, he had several things against him.

75- Hudgins also plans to sell locally and regionally made gifts in the store.

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