26- Anne has a consuming interest in spiritual self-discovery.

27- Precognition is the act of using spiritualpower to know things that will occur in the future.

28- So-called magic mushrooms have been used for centuries, primarily in the context of religious rituals and ceremonies.

29- Discussion question: Describe a ritual from your culture or religion.

30- Going out for drinks with the boss is a nightly ritual for many Japanese businessmen.

31- John F.

32- Kennedy once observed that a country cannot afford to be materially rich, and spiritually poor.

33- So-called magic mushrooms have been used for centuries, primarily in the context of religious rituals and ceremonies.

34- The archaeologist found some writings by a priestess of an unknown religion, describing the rituals of a number of sacred ceremonies.

35- The Korean shaman Mudang is an intermediary who can link the living with the spiritual world where the dead reside.

36- Martin Luther King maintained that our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.

37- We have guided missiles, and misguided men.

38- The ritual of Catholic mass commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ.

39- Alice Walker once said, "The animals of the planet are in desperate peril, and without free animal life, I believe we will lose the spiritual equivalent of oxygen.

40- "We treat various illnesses using the essences of flowers to promote healing on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

41- Shakti Gawain once said that every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness.

42- In the time of the Aztecs, priests performed a ritual in which the heart was cut out of a living sacrifice.

43- Many Bolivians believe that respect for spiritual beings is important in avoiding misfortune.

44- So-called magic mushrooms have been used for centuries, primarily in the context of religious rituals and ceremonies.

45- societyThe statue is ritually bathed by worshippers in order to purify it.

46- On the other hand, there seem to be those among young folk who, while touching on Buddhism, have started to think of it as a vital spiritual support.

47- Denis Waitley once stated that happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.

48- Many of these rituals were practiced by the people long before Christianity came to the region.

49- I think that the suggestion that certain people are mediums who can make contact with beings living in the spiritual world is a load of nonsense.

50- The seventh month of pregnancy is celebrated in Indonesia with a ritual bath for the mother-to-be.

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