26- While placing two suspects under arrest a struggle ensued between the arrested parties and the officers.

27- You have to defend yourself if you know you're not under arrest."

28- A German commando unit led by Otto Skorzeny rescued Mussolini from the mountain hotel where he was being held under arrest.

29- A second officer, Patrolman Derleph, arrived to help Krozer subdue Smith and place him under arrest.

30- Atwater was placed under arrest and immediately taken to be court martialed.

31- Authorities have not named that person, who was brought in for questioning but is not under arrest.

32- Bell and the deputy who initially placed him under arrest were not hurt, Chinnick said.

33- Christopher was placed under arrest for Driving while License Invalid and transported to Jail.

34- Confronted with the evidence, Cousin Mel is forced to confess, and she is placed under arrest.

35- Fan's wife was discharged and is now under arrest for grievous bodily harm.

36- Friday, August 27 - Pashtun warlord Amanullah was brought by Afghan authorities from Herat to Kabul and held under arrest.

37- Grant, upon hearing that he was under arrest, attempted to stand up, but was forced to the ground face first.

38- Irvin and the female were placed under arrest, though charges against Irvin were later dropped.

39- Kekewich obtained permission from his superior to place Rhodes under arrest if necessary.

40- Leslie is placed under arrest and put in prison in Singapore as a matter of form to await trial for murder.

41- Robbie attacked, and imobilized her, telling her that she was under arrest for war crimes.

42- The officer told Bland to exit her car 11 times and then tells her she's under arrest.

43- Then Jefferson puts Max under arrest, but Max is able to break free, while Elementor attacks N-Tek.

44- Told them what they were under arrest for and explained the circumstances.

45- Two deputies arrived and gathered enough information for probable cause to put her under arrest.

46- He was regarded, however, as a Loyalist and was placed under arrest by Pennsylvania state authorities until 1778.

47- Hugh happens to be a chief at the police station and releases Peppina and orders for Soldo to be taken under arrest.

48- 258746 On May 6, Qadir asked the Soviet commanders for advice on how to deal with all the people under arrest. 21.618

49- Officer Dave Sanderson ( Louis C.K. ) arrives and confronts Tom, who mouths off at Dave until he places him under arrest.

50- When Ed awakens in a hospital bed, two police officers (Christopher Kriesa and Brian Haley ) tell him he's under arrest for murder.

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