1- Addict behavior is reinforced, by reward or punishment, based on ability to remain abstinent .

2- I'm a TV addict.

3- He is a heroin addict.

4- The addict died from a drug overdose.

5- My son is a hockey addict who watches every game he can.

6- The addict smiled as he felt the drug coursing through his veins.

7- The judge ordered the addict to attend rehab to get over his heroin habit.

8- The police found the body of a cocaine addict who died of an overdose yesterday.

9- Most of the problems in a drug addict's life revolve around getting the next fix.

10- The doctor gave the heroin addict some medicine to help prevent symptoms of withdrawal.

11- The heroin addict was always trying to find a new, healthy vein to inject the drug into.

12- She spoke to the students calmly and factually about her experiences as a teen drug addict.

13- The young girl had a very traumatic childhood, and became a drug addict to escape from the memories.

14- But, as a true addict, I've finally reached the acceptance stage of my affliction.

15- Some heroin addicts do not find complete abstinence feasible.

16- The American Civil War produced over 400,000 morphine addicts.

17- The spread of AIDS is partly due to drug addicts sharing needles.

18- She works as a counselor at a rehabilitation center for drug addicts.

19- AIDS is often spread by addicts who share needles used for injecting drugs.

20- Discussion question: Do you think that heroin should be available to addicts on prescription?The police were able to lure the drug dealer into a trap by posing as addicts looking for cocaine.

21- A lot of the stealing that occurs in this city is a result of addicts trying to get money to buy drugs.

22- Police say all were drug addicts and several had prostituted themselves.

23- What do you think is the best way to help addicts who are also mentally ill?

24- We have many young people who are addicts, and this is destroying our future."

25- Many amphetamine or meth addicts use it to calm down after a state of euphoria.

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